Video: I walked the South Downs Way

What’s going on? New polar bear post on a Tuesday? I don’t do Tuesdays. Well, now I do! I’m having a go at YouTube and because I only have 9 followers at the moment, I thought I’d post them here on the blog as well in the hope that a few more people notice my brand-new videos exist.

In an ideal world, there will be a new video every Tuesday for the foreseeable future. I know there are eight Iceland summer 2023 videos to follow, but whether I get the next series done in time is another matter. I’m not a full-time YouTuber. I’m not even a full-time blogger. But the plan is that the next series will follow straight on from the summer ones and it’ll be my trip to Iceland back in February. Yeah, I filmed it and then didn’t touch it for more than seven months. In fact, I discovered last week that I hadn’t even put my photos safely into my hard drive. Look at me digging through piles of memory cards in the hope of finding them again.

Anyway, the first video to appear in the new Video Tuesday series is another old one. Do you remember that I walked the South Downs Way – well, 25km of it – all the way back in March? I finally got that one finished! You can read the blog post here but to save you the click, I set off from Winchester at just before 6am on Saturday, reached Exonford around 3.30pm with incoming massive blisters and then had to cut down day two’s itinerary by quite a lot because I couldn’t face another 20km walk on feet that felt like walking on barbed wire.

So that’s the summary, the blog post is above but this is about the video and you can watch it right here. I know you’ve been wondering what I really look and sound like in real life (I know you haven’t, it’s ok).

Here’s the video!