Iceland is erupting again!

Yesterday afternoon, not long after lunch, a new eruption started up in Iceland. After last year’s eruption, I heard some people who know a lot more about volcanoes than I do say that it could be the start of 150 years of increased activity on the Reykjanes peninsula. Now, “increased activity” doesn’t by any means… More Iceland is erupting again!

Inside the Volcano

If you haven’t noticed, there’s a volcano in Iceland still going strong. It’s a great tourist volcano – it’s fairly small and it’s pretty but mostly not dangerous. It’s producing a bit of gas and every now and then it has to be closed because of the volume of gas builds up but the lava… More Inside the Volcano

How to climb Esja

Back in 2014, I finally did something I’d been wanting to do for a while. Given the lack of English-language information, putting it all together and figuring out how to do it was a bit tricky and so let me save you all that. This is how to climb Esja. Esja is Reykjavik’s mountain. If… More How to climb Esja