New video: A weekend in Larnaca (A Week in Tbilisi part 1)

It’s time for the first of the Georgia videos! Oh, it’s taken a long time to get this out – I didn’t film as much as I should have and I’ve spent at least the last month wondering whether I can even get a single video out of the trip to Tbilisi. But it’s looking like it’s going to be six parts and I’m hoping that I can do that over the next six weeks. I usually wait to start publishing a series until I’ve finished making it but we’ll see how it goes.

Anyway, I’ve briefly touched on this in blog posts and I’ll go into detail in the next post on Thursday but in short, the best way to get to Tbilisi turned out to be via Cyprus, where I ended up having to spend a night, which I chose to make into two nights so I could have a mini-trip to Larnaca before continuing on to Tbilisi on Monday lunchtime so I’ll take you along to see the city, the sulphur baths and the expeditions later in the series.

In the meantime, if you’d like to see how my trip got started, here it is…