New video: Vök Baths – is this the best geothermal pool in Iceland?

It’s time for the seventh episode of “Is this the best geothermal pool in Iceland?”, the ten-part series where I take a closer look at the pools, lagoons, spas, hot springs and geothermal experiences aimed at tourists, see what facilities they have to offer, score them points and then compare and contrast to figure out scientifically which is the best. Today it’s the turn of Vök Baths, out in the east of Iceland, Iceland’s only floating infinity pools.

Vök Baths opened in 2019 and I got out there this summer, having made a special trip to Egilsstaðir while spending a week or so in and around the north of the country. And having got all the way to Egilsstaðir, I realised it was a better option to continue to drive around the Ring Road and get back to the airport via the south coast than go back up to the north. So that had a big effect on my trip but what is it really like? And how does it compare to the six I’ve done before?

Cue video…