I swam in a volcano, got rescued by Odin and walked into Mordor

It was the summer of 2013. I was in Iceland. I had a bus passport and a little yellow one-man tent and I was circling the Highlands, Iceland’s inhospitable Interior. I’d already lost a day by not reading the bus timetable correctly, although a day accidentally spent at Landmannalaugar is certainly not wasted. And so… More I swam in a volcano, got rescued by Odin and walked into Mordor

How to visit Dettifoss

Outside Iceland, Dettifoss is best known as the big waterfall from the opening scenes of Prometheus. Within Iceland, it’s best known as being the most powerful waterfall in Europe, although that fact is now being prefaced with words like “possibly” and “among”. But it’s quite the sight to behold and you should make the effort… More How to visit Dettifoss