Chateau de Chillon

It’s that time of month again – another trip back in time to my year as a student in Switzerland in 2005/2006. Today we’re going down to the shores of Lake Geneva. I’d found some caves in my guidebook, semi-secret ones and I wanted to depart at the crack of dawn to find them. Unfortunately,… More Chateau de Chillon


My overwhelming memory of my day out in Bregenz is how difficult it was to get there. This is a Year Abroad story. I was a student living for a year in French-speaking west Switzerland and it finally occurred to me the month before I left that there wasn’t actually any reason why I needed… More Bregenz

Year Abroad: Zurich

When I was a student, I lived in Switzerland, studying French at a language school. There were three native English speakers in my class and we became triplets (or sometimes Les Trois Anglophones) and our first trip out together – or so I always thought – was a day in Zurich. If you’re going to… More Year Abroad: Zurich