Me-time in Glasgow

Is this a post about my weekend in Glasgow in July or is it a post about traveller’s guilt? I don’t know.

I went to Glasgow in July and although I did do some things, mostly I sat in my lovely flat, reading books and eating toast and lying in the bath. I don’t feel guilty about it but I suspect ten years ago I would have. If you go somewhere you have to make the most of it, right? You have to go out early and come back late and pack so much into a day that you can’t really register it. That’s how it works. Do all the things, see all the things.

My apartment in Glasgow

In Helsinki in 2008, my first holiday on my own, I spent two or three days, maybe four, seeing everything southern Finland had to offer. I saw Helsinki. I went to Turku and Tampere. I experienced my first Baltic winter. I started my first travel blog, because using the computers at the station was a lot cheaper than phoning home. And after a few days, I was kind of done. Not with Helsinki – I love Helsinki, it’s a jewel. But I’d never been alone in a foreign country and I’d done a lot and I wanted to stop. Well, to pause. But “make the most of it!!” was already so deeply ingrained in me that it was almost traumatic. There was a battle between two parts of my brain all day. I read Watchmen and then in the end I went outside and got on the first tram that came along, heading away from the main station for once. I don’t remember where it went. I just knew that some part of my brain needed me to hop on a tram.

Random tram trip in Helsinki

Ten years on, I don’t have that guilt. I can slow down. In Kyiv I came home for long lunches over an episode or two of Voyager and a flick through the guidebook. In Cyprus we played in the pool for a couple of hours in the middle of every day. In Iceland, I spent an entire afternoon catching up on my diary and trying to get a good photo of the sun and clouds over the mountains opposite the campsite. Actually, the mere act of being on a campsite makes me feel like I’m doing something. Experiencing something.

Camping at Þórsmörk

So I had no qualms about doing absolutely nothing in Glasgow. And it wasn’t absolutely nothing anyway. I killed time on the Friday waiting to get into the apartment by searching the city centre for a tape runner and meeting some cows at Pollok Country Park. I saw some comedy. “Met” a nemesis. Met a friend. Found Glasgow Cathedral and discovered the Necropolis. Went to Loch Lomond in the rain. That was plenty to be getting on with.

Glasgow Cathedral & Necropolis

And it was a nice flat. I did a post on the subject back in the summer. It was a pleasure to just sprawl there, with a packet of cookies and a book and my very own front door key.

And I forgot the important bit. In the three weeks leading up to that trip I did three overnight trips to London and hiked the Laugavegur Trail. Life was a bit “I just have to survive the next couple of days and then there’s another thing” which isn’t bad, not at all – but you can see why I enjoyed my chance to sprawl all on my own with a book in a strange city.

Glasgow apartment living room

As I write this, I’m trying to make plans to do a similar thing this coming weekend. If I succeeded, there might be a blog on the subject this time next week. Or then again, it is, or will be, or was, a weekend off. Maybe there won’t be many words in that.

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